Q+A with Finnola

Finn’s beautiful energy often leaves the studio beaming at the beginning of the week. With early morning Vinyasa’s every Monday, she always holds such gorgeous space for people to start their days, often theming her classes around the seasons and rhythms of nature. Weaving together her training from Eastern and Western schools of yoga, her own personal understanding of practice as something that benefits both body and mind really shines through with every flow.
On Tuesday evenings, it’s always a treat to welcome her wonderful Core + Release Vinyasa, a popular fixture at the studio that both challenges and shifts energies in body and mind. Finn also loves running solstice themed workshops throughout the year, so be sure to keep an eye out for these on our schedule!
Without further ado, here’s a lil chat we had with Finnola that we thought we’d share with you :)

What's your favourite thing about teaching yoga?
Anything I say will probably sound like a massive cliche...but...I am motivated and rewarded by the desire to help, inspire and serve other people in some way. I believe in the transformative, rejuvenating and uplifting powers of yoga. My teaching is fuelled by a desire to make a positive difference and to encourage people to keep returning to their mat.
That’s lovely! How are you finding the transition back to teaching in person?
I think that I am slowly finding my feet with it all again, another change and transition. It is really wonderful sharing space with real people again. To be honest I am looking forward to the day that it is just in person and screen free!
Don't get me wrong I think that there will always be a place for online and I totally get that it is more accessible and convenient for many. But for me personally as both teacher and student there is nothing like moving, breathing and flowing in person. I can't wait for the day I can give and receive some yummy hands on adjustments too.
We feel you! What's your go-to posture/flow/yogi practice for when you're feeling a little low or unmotivated?
Some very wriggly, wiggly wild cat movements. I am a big fan of spiralling and making seaweed shapes with the body. A good wiggle and shake out always makes me feel better.
Oooh seaweed shapes - good way of describing them! Have you been learning/reading/listening to anything interesting lately?
I am currently making my way through 'The Source' by Dr Tara Swart. I am skeptical of self help style books but this is more sciencey and practical, combining the laws of attraction and neuroscience. I am a big believer in planting seeds of intention and asking the universe for what you want.
Now we've hit the solstice/halfway point of the year, have you got any intentions/things you'd like to manifest for the rest of 2021?
'Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire.' This is a quote from the 'The Source' and pretty much sums up my current vibe!
Catch Finnola on the mat every Monday 7am Vinyasa Flow and Tuesday 6pm Core + Release Vinyasa - check out our schedule here.